Tuesday, March 30, 2010


is awesome. I get outside every day (something I didn't do when I worked from home), spend time with great team members, and get to really use my brain. I am doing stuff that I find fascinating - and I get to do it in a very accessible building. I can't believe it's already been two weeks since I started, the days are flying by!

One big thing that I have overcome is accepting a cane. I brought my cane to my first day of work. I had never used it before, but I bought a while ago so that when the time came that I needed it, I would have it available. I got the official tour and decided I should take my cane. It was a little weird at first, but I was so glad I had it with me. It is a big building to walk around, and my legs were extra shaky with first-day-of-work-nerves. And now people just know that I have a mobility problem and use a cane. I don't have to explain myself, or try to walk as normal as possible, or be afraid of walking somewhere because it is a bad day and I don't want to trip. Now I am trying to figure out a balance, when to use my cane, and when not to. I want to do my best to walk without it when I can, because I don't want to start relying on the cane. But I also don't want to fall at work. I have found, though, that since starting work my legs have been so much better. I think a big part of it is that I am using them more. When I was working from home it was so easy to just sit on my butt all day and just walk the few meters from the living room to the kitchen. I feel like I have renewed energy and strength. I also most certainly have a renewed sense of confidence. I am so blessed to be able to work!

AND - as if things couldn't get any better, Ben had an interview where I work! We haven't got an offer letter yet, but we have been told it is coming. We won't be on the same team, but our desks will be really close to each other. We can have lunch together and take Wii breaks (the company has a games room). How perfect is this?

We've been asking a lot of questions since we found out there was something wrong with me. Mostly WHY? But recently God has really been holding things together for us. I feel like I haven't been this happy in a long time (not that I've been particularly sad, but living with a disability can really be a constant downer). So I still would love to have working legs, but I know that God is blessing us in so many other ways.

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