Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Indescribable joy

Life has been moving quickly for me this summer. Ben and I have been enjoying working full-time (together!) and not having to worry about homework! We have both been through long academic journeys and now it is time for a new chapter. Work has been fulfilling - knowing I am contributing to something and making an impact, even if I am only a small part of a bigger team and bigger company. I like being able to say "I designed that!" I just can't believe how blessed I have been to be in this position at a great company. And to have my bestest friend a few desks away blows my mind. We would have never guessed we would be at the same company. But here we are!
And that is not even the most wonderful part about life right now! Even better, a little life is forming inside of me, our little treasure. So many of my thoughts and emotions are centred around this precious life and we haven't even truly met! Unfortunately, the physical reminders of pregnancy are not always pleasant. I almost constantly have an upset stomach and dizziness and fainting has been a problem. I've also found my legs feel "heavier". But this is minor compared to what some women face. Here's hoping this will be the worst of it. I have no doubt all of this will be worth it though.
I'm in love.

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